Mabim FBS

Mabim FBS or Masa Bimbingan is a event that held by Faculty Language and Arts University State of Jakarta  for introduce to new students about campus culture, what the campus environment is like and the activities that exist especially in Faculty of Language and Arts. This event already begins from 15 September until December. With this event, new students can also get to know other study programs at FBS not only their study programs, such as in German language education study programs there are a lot of unique activities and cultures. So new students can get to know other study programs especially event  that exist at Faculty Language and Arts itself.

In order to introduce the new students about the Faculty Language and Arts, There are many series in this events, such as Show FBS (Spiritual Holiday with FBS) is an Islamic activity from the da’wah institution on FBS and this events is held in Puncak, Bogor. Seminar Karir, this events aims as a forum for self-development for the new students of Arts and Language Faculty of UNJ in 2022, in order to be ready when they enter the working world in the future. For this year the theme is “Knowing Your Passion To Start A Brilliant Career” and will discuss about entrepreneurship and career tips in education. Seminar Legislatif, the theme for this events is “Peran Legislator dalam Dunia Pendidikan” and this event will be filled by

speakers who is one of the members of Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD). PKMP (Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa Prodi) this events is adjusted to the students executive board (BEM) of each study program. And last one is RCF (Revival Camp with FBS), because this event will be held in December, so this events is still under discussion.

Some of the challenges while running this event is the short preparation time and keeping the enthusiasm of the committee. Because not every week or every month there is a series of this events for and also the committee have other busy activities. The benefits from this events itself are new student can understand better about activities, situations and conditions in Faculty Language and Arts. Also, new students can find and explore their potential and also have a good leadership qualities